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50 users earned this badge
Igorotage is a simple yet awesome Igorot community and an out of the box solution to help promote the Igorot identity and the Cordillera.
Wherever i go, whatever i do, i will stamp the insignia of my ancestor ----Proud Igorota on board!!!!
I'm just a small town girl finding her way to belong in a bustle and hustle cosmo area where everything is diverse.
"For my success will be your success, and your success will be my most tremendous success." -Timons Cabansi
Sine Cordillera is especially launched by Be Unrivaled Productions. To unleash the Talent of aspiring and promising talents here in Cordillera.
Lakay is an educator and long-time global advocate for gifted and talented education. A story of struggles and triumphs of new migrants in Australia.