"The fire burning inside you is mighty; it is waiting to burn bright -you are meant to do great things."
Flaming with passion and determination is P/CDT Alyssa Angalan Bantasan, Class 2022's Regimental Administrative Officer. But before all the titles, she was only this simple girl who came from the chains of mountains of Guinzadan Central, Bauko, Mountain Province; born on August 23, 1998, and the second among the six siblings of Mr. Wilner Bantasan, a farmer and Mrs. Frida Bantasan, a high-school teacher. Before braving her way to the portals of the academy, she finished her Bachelor's degree in Criminology at Mountain Province State Polytechnic College on year 2018.
Following a dream can be both terrifying and exciting, hence it takes a good amount of courage to stay attuned to the path one has chosen to traverse. While having her on-the-job Training and Community Immersion, P/Cdt Bantasan managed to process the cadetship application screening despite the awareness of risk she was putting on her almost-over college degree. The other side of the coin holds the possibility of not getting both the cadetship and her college diploma after incurring absences in her OJT while taking care of her application in PNPA if ever it happens that she didn't make it to the final list. Holding true, however, to the popular saying that nature has in own way of favoring those whose heart and actions desperately call for their desires, P/Cdt Bantasan received the good news that she is one of the blessed applicants who would form part of the PNPA Class of 2022.
Ensuing after a relatively unruffled life of being a civilian, adjusting to a regimented way of life in the cadet corps was not at all easy. Despite having been exposed to hard labor as a farmer's daughter-posing as her supposed edge on training, the rigidity of cadetship still demanded a superb amount of patience and a deep reason to carry on especially during the height of challenges in her cadetship endeavor.
Growing up, her father has indoctrinated in her the value of vying for great undertakings while knowing how to balance things up and be able take care of the responsibilities at hand. In effect, she grew up bearing in her mind the importance of hard work and setting dreams. Along with her good performance in her academics back in her early years, she also managed to be of an additional hand in her father's farm works at the same time. She was able to receive a dean's list award in college, an accolade she earned in the academy as well.
Along the blood, sweat, and tears she exhausted in the academy for four years came with greater lessons and experiences that has truly shaped her character, to be of honor and integrity. Now graduating and bidding adieu to the beloved institution, she has her eyes set on taking novel journeys as a young Police Lieutenant.
Credit: Philippine National Police Academy - Justice, Integrity, Service