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Windel Bolinget: Defender or Offender?

Is Cordillera People's Alliance chairman Windel Bolinget guilty or a true defender of human rights and indigenous peoples?

Windel Bolinget Carlo Manalansan, file photo

After reading some news articles regarding the murder case that was filed against Cordillera People's Alliance (CPA) Chairman Windel Bolinget, isn't it obvious that he is hiding something from his colleagues, friends and family? Do they really know who Mr. Windel Bolinget is? Are they sure that what he is telling to them is the truth? Do they always know his whereabouts?

In the first place, if Mr. Bolinget is not guilty, why is he hiding from the government forces all along? The warrant says that it was released September last year and when he was about to be arrested, he was nowhere to be found. If he says that he is innocent from the crime, why didn't he face his issue/ problem and defend himself right away? But, instead he got away from his case. Why did he still wait for the bounty to be released and for the "shoot to kill" order before he reacted for his safety?

Yes, he mentioned that he never set foot on the place where the crime was committed but that doesn't mean that he cannot be associated with the crime especially that there was a witness who pointed at him as one of the perpetrators. It is easy to say that he was busy prior to the celebration of their "Cordillera Day" but it's also easy to sneak out of that preparation and do things without unnoticed.

It has been months since the warrant was released, of course, the government forces were only doing their job to hunt/ search for that person who is charged for allegedly committing a crime. It is already given that, that person or everyone connected to him will be under surveillance since he is nowhere to be found. If it is true that he will consult his lawyers, why only now? Why didn't he resolved it before it got worse?

And now that he showed-up at NBI-CAR, if he has really nothing to do with the crime, then Mr. Bolinget should face his case and clear his name confidently. If he says that he, appearing at NBI, doesn't mean that he surrendered nor admitted his guilt, then he must prove his innocence fair and square and not use deceptive lies just to get away with it. If he is a true defender of human rights and indigenous people, why is he facing an issue on what he is advocating? Or it is just his front all along? A wolf in sheep's clothing. Known for his excellent works on being an IP, Human Rights, and Environment advocate but his true intention was never divulged. Why up until now, he still cannot condemn the violent acts of CPP-NPA? Or does he even consider them as enemies or their greatest allies of all time?

This article was shared with the Igorotage team by Janine A. Martin, from Tadian, Mountain Province. You can contact her at

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