Joemar Soriano, an Igorot teacher, landed as the Top 3 Best Academic Performer of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) - Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP).
Soriano, a scholar of SEAMEO, was the lone representative from the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) to represent the country in the recently concluded international event for a course on Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education For Primary School or SEAQiM.

The Philippine delegation was joined by other parties from Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia.
During the course, Soriano has been very proactive sharp-witted, and enthusiastic that he has been sharing and leading the learning sessions in the 2-week duration (March 15-21, 2021) that made him garner recognition.
Soriano was also recognized in his passion that he was the one to deliver a speech during the closing ceremonies, to quote:
"Through the patience and dedicated service of the training facilitators and training committee, we all acquired relevant knowledge and skills in integrating ICT in Mathematics, but it doesn't stop there. We have to move forward and put our learnings into actions. Be inspired by Aristotle who once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." And it is good to know that we can face our learners with more confidence through this training course."
Soriano extends his gratitude to DepEd-CAR Regional Director Estela L. Cariño and NEAP-CAR for endorsing Learning and Development activities covering ASEAN nations such as this.
Soriano looks forward to the knowledge transfer activities to help other Cordillera teachers, and in the long run our Cordillera learners.
Congratulations Joemar Soriano for your recognition! It's a positive feeling knowing we have passionate teachers just like you. Please continue to inspire your fellow teachers and students to excel beyond what they think is impossible to achieve.
Source: DepEd Tayo - Cordillera