2LT Jerson P Balagot, a proud Igorot from the Ibaloi tribe topped what is considered the most difficult training in the Philippine Military that is respected worldwide, the Philippine Scout Rangers.
2LT Balagot topped his class obtaining an average of 90.36% among 219 trainees who joined the Scout Ranger Course (SRC) Class 214-2021.

The Pride of Shilan, Benguet was given the Black Panther Award and a Letter of Commendation from the First Scout Ranger Regiment of the Philippine Army for graduating as number 1 from the elite course last February 24, 2022, during the closing ceremony held at Camp Pablo Tecson, San Miguel, Bulacan.

2LT Balagot is also a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) "MABALASIK" class of 2019 and Basic Airborne Course (BAC) Class 124-19.

The Scout Rangers, known officially as the First Scout Ranger Regiment, is a Philippine Army Special Operations Command unit and specializes in anti-guerrilla warfare. The regiment has been boasted as one of the world's best anti-guerrilla fighters.
The Scout Ranger Regiment was created on November 25, 1950, under the command of former AFP Vice Chief of Staff and Defense Secretary Rafael M. Ileto. Named after both the Alamo Scouts and the US Army Rangers, the unit was created due to a growing need to counter the Hukbalahap Guerrillas and its rebellion with a force trained in small unit actions.