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Contact UsBrigadier General Noel T. Baluyan PA, an Igorot from Pinukpuk, Kalinga, has been recently promoted to Brigadier General of the Philippine Army.
Proud troops of 302nd "Achiever" Brigade render Military Honors to their newly promoted Commander, during his arrival at Camp Leon Kilat, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental.
During the Kalinga General's speech, he thanked the troops for their hard work and dedication and all stakeholders who supported him in his campaign against the insurgents in his Area of Responsibilities.

The Kalinga Brigadier General is a member of the Philippine Military Academy "Bigkis Lahi" Class of 1990.
It is remembered that the PMA Class of 1990 received special recognition for their "No To Maltreatment" movement inside the institution. They are the very first batch that voted to stop "hazing" inside the institution.
Before becoming an Infantry commander, BGEN Baluyan served as the deputy commander of the "Achiever" Brigade and concurrently the commander of Task Group-CBS covering the provinces of Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor (CBS).
Brigadier General Noel T. Baluyan, Brigade Commander, 302nd Brigade
Col Noel T. Baluyan replaces Brigadier-General Ignacio Madriaga as the Brigade Commander of the 302nd Brigade during the turnover ceremony at Camp Leon Kilat, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental last August of 2019.
The turnover ceremony was presided by Major General Dinoh Dolina, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Philippine Army, based in Jamindan, Capiz.
"As I take the helm of the 302nd IB [Infantry Batallion], I am fully aware of the herculean tasks placed upon my shoulders," Baluyan said during his turnover speech.
Baluyan has called on fellow soldiers to join forces with him in achieving their vision and mission.
"Given the complexity of the security environment in our area of responsibility, we must not lose sight of the fact that the military solution is not enough to solve this multi-faceted insurgency problem," he added.
Brigadier General NOEL T. BALUYAN relinquishes command as Brigade Commander of the 302nd Brigade
The 302nd Infantry Achiever Brigade has a new Commander, COL LEONARDO I PEÑA (MNSA) PA replacing BGEN NOEL T BALUYAN PA during the Change of Command Ceremony on October 20, 2020, Tuesday at the Headquarters, 302nd Brigade, Camp Leon Kilat, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental, with MGEN ERIC C VINOYA PA as Presiding General Officer.

After successfully leading the Achiever Brigade for one (1) year and two (2) months, BGEN Baluyan relinquishes his command to COL LEONARDO I PEŇA (MNSA) PA as the Commander of the 302nd Brigade.
BGEN Baluyan will take the post as the new Assistant Division Commander (ADC), 3ID, PA at Camp Peralta, Jamindan, Capiz.

In his message, Brigadier General Baluyan described his stint as "the most socially enriching, fulfilling, rewarding, and exciting assignment" he has ever had.
The Kalinga General thanked all the stakeholders, the governor, the local chief executives, LGUs, the PNP counterparts, his troops, and the higher Headquarters that he has immensely worked with that enabled him to achieve the mission and vision of the Brigade.
He requested them to give the same level of support, if not more, to the incoming Brigade commander, COL PEÑA.
The keynote speaker and presiding officer for the said occasion is MGEN Eric Vinoya, PA, the commander of the Joint Task Force Spearhead and the 32nd commander of the 3rd Infantry Division.
In his message, he congratulated and thanked BGEN Noel Baluyan for the remarkable services he has rendered to the 3rd Infantry Division.