Update: On April 2021, Police Lieutenant Colonel Jeff E. Fanged has been promoted to Police Colonel.
PLTCOL Jeff E. Fanged, a proud Igorot from Sadanga and Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province, is the Best Senior Police Commissioned Officer for the year 2020 and his unit (PNP-IMEG) was adjudged as the Best Field Unit in the entire country.
PLTCOL Fanged was given a Plaque of Merit in grateful recognition of his highly remarkable achievements, professional competence, and commitment to service, thereby contributing immensely to the attainment of the overall mission of the Philippine National Police Integrity Monitory and Enforcement Group.

The award was given to him by IMEG Acting Director PCOL Thomas Frias Jr on February 22, 2021, during the 2nd Founding Anniversary Celebration of the Integrity Monitory and Enforcement Group at the PNP Multi-Purpose Center, Camp BGEN Rafael T. Crame, Quezon City.
PLTCOL Fanged is the current chief of PNP Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG) of the Luzon Field Unit. The unit was also given a Plaque of Recognition for having been adjudged as the Best Field Unit.

This special unit was designed to conduct intelligence build-up and law enforcement operations against PNP personnel who are involved in illegal activities, such as drug and human trafficking, financial crimes, cybercrime, malversation, graft, and corrupt practices, and security violations covering the whole area of Luzon.
Only police personnel assigned or detailed at the IMEG who pass the rigorous background investigation and screening process, including neuropsychiatric examination, and should be graduates of an intelligence course or seminars are accepted.
Congratulations Sir PLTCOL Jeff E. Fanged for being chosen as the Best Senior Police Commissioned Officer of the year 2020 and your unit for being the Best Field Unit in the entire country. The Igorot community is proud to have a son with high integrity!