There are so many waterfalls in Mayoyao, Ifugao, Philippines, only chosen places were being promoted like the majestic Tenogtog Waterfall, Ah'phaw Mahencha Waterfall, Mun-alaja Waterfalls, and others. These tourist spots that were mentioned have clear water that you can see what was inside the water. Let's start our trip now by going to Alihu Waterfall.
It has a huge water pool estimated like a basketball court twenty feet high from the waterfall. The shape is like a perfect oblong and the wall-to-wall looks like a high wall from left to right as shown in the picture above.
Before you reach this destination you must need to prepare your backpack personal things and most especially don't forget a medicine kit for sure. The way going down the river is kinda challenging from going down up to the destination point. The stone is very slippery when it was rainy season so don't go when it's rainy days you better go when in summer. Along the way, you will encounter mountain viewpoints, rivers, cows, and birds singing. You will not regret when you see this beautiful waterfall, you will get amazed by the hugeness of the pool and fulfilling your bucket list. Experiencing the hidden beauty of Aliju.
Watch the video below .
It is perfect for summercation destination