6 articles related to #Kindness hashtag.
Tourist's Lost Cards and Cash in Benguet Met with Unbelievable Kindness
Discover how a tourist's lost cards and cash in Benguet led to heartwarming acts of kindness and community spirit.
Honest Baguio Taxi Driver Returns Lost Wallet to American Tourist
An American tourist was shocked and overjoyed when an honest Baguio taxi driver returned his lost wallet containing cash, cards, and visa.

Teacher's Kindness Transforms Student's Life, From Financial Hardship to Becoming a Doctor
A young boy from Benguet couldn't pay the miscellaneous fees to take his final exams. But one teacher's act of kindness changed his life forever.
Baguio City Police Officers Help Stranded Motorcycle Rider in the Night
Baguio City Police officers help stranded motorcycle rider in the night. A heartwarming story about kindness and generosity.
A Cordilleran Policewoman's Selfless Act of Breastfeeding at Women's Month Celebration
More Than a Uniform: Witness the selfless act as a Cordilleran Policewoman breastfeeds a stranger's baby at an event, offering comfort and support.
Rambo: The Remarkable Guide Dog of Batad
Discover Batad's charm through the eyes of Rambo, the remarkable guide dog whose spirit continues to inspire visitors.