This section provides general and topic-based feeds for Igorotage. We provide both atom and json format.
Get all wallposts and blogposts feeds.
Get all feeds for the latest wallposts.
Get all feeds for the latest blogposts.
Quick Tutorial
How to get feed for a certain topic.
Get feed link of wallposts related to a hashtag.
Before anything else, you need to identify a topic. Here at Igorotage, we use hashtags to categorize related topics. For this tutorial, we'll be using the hashtag #igorot.
Next up, you need to know what format you'd like to use. We provide both Atom and JSON format. Don't worry if you're not familiar with them, you can just pick Atom since JSON format isn't widely supported.
Alright, now that we've identified a topic and a format. Let's get to the structure. It's not actually that complicated.
https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/ + format/ + topic
Given the format above, let's use real data.
https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/ + atom/ + igorot
Final output should be:
And for JSON:
Now that you finally have a feed link for a topic, you can now paste this link to your favorite feed reader.
Real world examples
https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/atom/igorot https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/json/igorot https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/atom/cordillera https://www.igorotage.com/feeds/json/cordilleraNote:
- Make sure to add the slashes (/).
- You don't need to add the number/pound sign (#) for the topic.