Gary Paul Abela
Gary Paul Abela has earned 854 reputation points and 11 badges.
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Earned once your reputation points ranks in the top 50 of all Igorotage users.
50 users awardedHot
Earned once you have a post with at least 10,000 views.
85 users awardedCommunity Blogger
Earned once you have published 5 blogposts.
85 users awardedArbis
Earned once you have 5 posts with at least 1,000 views each.
86 users awardedDalalew
Earned once you have a post with at least 5,000 views.
105 users awardedDagem
Earned once you have a post with at least 1,000 views.
158 users awardedWatwat
Earned after making your first post contribution to the Igorot community.
266 users awardedFour-year Member
Earned when you have been with Igorotage for 4 years.
408 users awardedThree-year Member
Earned when you have been with Igorotage for 3 years.
449 users awardedTwo-year Member
Earned when you have been with Igorotage for 2 years.
473 users awardedOne-year Member
Earned when you have been with Igorotage for 1 year.
507 users awarded