Kuwentong Pilipino sa Tagalog at Ilocano
by Cordilleran author -narrator Norma Hennessy
( scroll down for PODCAST and Youtube links)
At the end of the war, there were Japanese soldiers who hid in forests and continued to believe that the war was ongoing. When paper notices were dropped in the mountains and forests with messages stating that the war was over, those that have been isolated from their troops refused to surrender. They did not believe that the war has ended and thought that those notices were ploy by their enemies. Three decades went past and in March 1974, Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda was convinced that the war was over. He surrendered on Lubang after holding out on the island from December 1944 with Akatsu, Shimada and Kozuka. How did they survive in their isolation? Listen to podcast about the fascinating story of Hiroo Onoda
Podcast links (click any of the links)